Great progress


I haven’t been writing much recently, but I have made quite a progress since my last post. First of all, quite a few FO’s:

I have finished the stripy scarf. I am waiting to finish the matching hat, to give both items at the same time to my darling, and hopefully take a picture of him modelling them…


The Pikachu is also done. This one has quite a stern face, in my opinion, but in my defense my 6 yo was helping me embroider it.

wpid-img_20151018_191627.jpg wpid-img_20151018_191601.jpg

I have also finished the fist place-mat:


And the second attempt to recreate my mom’s favourite hat was successful


I am now working on the stripy hat and the second placemat (this time it’s zig-zag pattern)


I guess that’s it for now…



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  1. 1

    Lots of fun projects going on! The Pikachu does look a little stern, but still awfully cute – especially that tail! Kids just love Pokemon don’t they? I’m making my son pokeball mittens right now.

    • 6

      Hi Catherine. I might do a separate post. But in a couple of words you knit in garter stitch with 3 stitches. Increase 1 stitch at the beginning of each row, until the side edge is not the desired width of the scarf. Then increase 1 St at the beginning of even rows and decrease 1 St at the beginning of each odd row. Continue until the desired length is reached. Then decrease one stitch at the beginning of each row until 3 stitches remain. Bind off.

      • 7

        Thanks so much Leila. I love these sort of patterns. Lots of shaping with plain knitting. Keeps it interesting. I have a lot of 5ply/sport in my stash which I think would work well.

        • 8

          I’m glad you like it – let me know if you have any questions. I knit a lot to relax and while watching TV, so that’s the kind of knitting I like the most, too.

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