After I finished Sonic, Dan started immediately begging for the “Black Sonic”, so here it is. I used the same pattern as for the blue one, changing colours and small details so that he looks like Shadow. This time I used felt for eyes, and some other details. Eyes look better than the last time, but I’m still not entirely happy.
As you can guess, I have already been asked for… Tails. I actually find it so boring, making these toys (I don’t know why exactly). So I promised to make it, but later. I hope to make a few (at least one?) nice things for me after all these presents I’ve been making lately, especially during the Ravellenic games. So after I’ve nurtured me, I can come back to Tails. Luckily Linda has a pattern for him, too.
Dan has made a few pictures of Shadow himself, I include the best here too.