YOP Week of the 1st of February / WIP Wednesday – a present in progress


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For the time being, I have set the new dress aside, as I got too annoyed with it. I will have to try a more scientific approach that would include some swatching to figure out the yoke. But for now, I need some rest.

A friend is moving soon, and I decided to make a pillow or two for her. The first pattern I’ve chosen is Cushion Conglomeration Caper by Woolly Thoughts. It’s kind if knitting I really enjoy – various shapes to keep me interested, but all done in garter stitch, so it is really relaxing. I just hope I’ll have enough of yarn in the suitable colours…

2015-02-04 13-31-34


Linking with:

 Link & Share Wednesday Party at Oombawka Design Crochet


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  1. 7

    What a lucky friend to have you to knit for her! I love your colors and am sure she will be so happy with something made with love and well wishes. I just looked at your post regarding the yoke of your new dress project and while it may be giving you fits now, I think it will be gorgeous when it is done!

    • 8
      Leyla Alieva

      I hope she will like it – I am well aware that not all people do appreciate hand-made things. Thank you for the comment about the dress – me too, I really trust the dress will turn out well in the end. So I am just giving it some time. I probable shouldn’t have started another dress straight after I finished the first one…

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