I wish it were summer already!

So, well ahead of time, I have my beach dress ready :) I really like how it turned out. The pattern by Doris Chan was published in the same magazine as the fabulous Bloomsbury top, so that’s good too – buying a copy was really worth it!.

I love how the dress came out, but the pattern was a bit frustrating to follow.

I think there’s a mistake in description of the yoke motive, where it comes to dc1, ch-8 picot, dc6 – i really do not see why it’s a ch-8 picot and not a regular one. Also the chart for the motive is weird and misleading – it would be much better if it showed motives joined to the yoke and each other. The “stem” looks like it should be ch-4, join to the yoke, ch-4 to me, while it’s ch2-join-ch2.

The edging written instructions were also confusing, I used the chart. I think there might be a mistake as well in round one, but I didn’t have the patience to figure it out.

I used 5mm hook for the fsc, 4.5mm hook for the rest of the yoke and rounds 1-7 of the body, hook 4 for the rounds 8 and onwards of the body.

My finished dress is 25 rounds of body + 4 rounds of edging. I ran out of yarn.

When I finished the body, my end of round was in a different position than as described by the pattern. But since my calculations showed that motives will still be aligned with the yoke motives, I left it like that and didn’t break the yarn.

This is the first time I’ve used fsc (foundation sc, instead of chain+sc). I will try the technique again – I liked the process, but sc’s look a bit sloppy (was the hook too big?). I was also told that hdc’s look better than sc.

2014-02-17 19.16.26 2014-02-17 19.16.40



ETA: summer pictures of the dress:

2014-04-10 16.31.46b 2014-04-10 16.33.59a 2014-04-10 17.52.07a


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