Plans for 2018

I have been planning to write up everything I would like to make in the near future for ages. As we are heading towards the new year, I think this is the right moment to do so. So here we go:

Need to finish soon – all done:

  1. The red cardi. It is almost done, just needs a bit of finishing off. – finished 20/12/2017
  2. 2 crochet doilies for a present. Currently, halfway done with the 1st one –finished 30/12/2017
  3. The twid cardi I am making for myself – can’t wait to finish and wear it – hopefully, still this winter – finished 13/02/2018.

For a friend of mine – all done

4-5. I hope to have time for these summer crochet hats – 2 adult ones and 2 for a child… She lives in the Southern hemisphere, so it’s already summer there. Finished 5th of January – my friend actually only wanted two.

6. Nichols poncho to order. – Finished 3rd of February

7 – owl toy for my son. Finished 22/02/2018

8. Toy for my daughter. Squirrel finished 10/03/2018

For myself

9. I have been obsessed with crochet bikinis lately, so I would really love one for myself- at least the top part. Need the right yarn for it, though. First attempt – done 08/2018

10-12. I also want plenty of dresses. At least 3 for the next summer (ha-ha, I will be happy if I finish at least one, to be realistic). But the three are:

  • a dress designed by my son for me, I love his idea and will keep it quiet for the time being. Finished 06/02018 
  • a variation on my red dress, but with a different yoke/neckline/sleeves – decided not to make one in the end . 09/08/2018
  • somethig along those lines –

I ended up making a different one – 08/2018.

13. This crochet top – if the silk yarn I have will yield a motive of the correct size – done 05/2018

14. I don’t have a warm woolly hat, that needs fixing. However, I have trouble finding a pattern I like. – not done!

15. I would like a warm large stole. Perhaps, I can make this one again, this time out of wool instead of cotton. – not done!

16. I have lost my lovely light silk shawl, so I may want a replacement. I’ve made one , but gave it to my mom… Maybe next year…

17. A warm dress for next winter. – in the works, but not finished.

18. And a warm sweater… – done 09/2018.

For my kids

19. It’s a nightmare to find a skirt for a girl these days that is not too short. So I might crochet one (or two) instead, to be worn with leggins… First one finished 13/03/2018

20. Something for my son, maybe a sweater or a vest? Done 08/2018

21-22. Have been promising them a cosy soft cowl each for ages. If not for this winter, may be I can finally tackle this before the next one? – both done in December 2018.

For the house

23. Got to finish that macrame curtain I started last year for the living room – never finished it, and threw away what I’d started when moving.

24. And would love to crochet one for the kitchen – in the process, not done yet.

Other WIPs that need finishing some time

25. The red table runner – this story has been dragging on for ages now, and needs a closure. Never happenned.

26. My Hitofude needs to be done ecentually, I guess? Finished 15/04/2018

Well, there we go, as of 12/12/2017 26 projects to go until 31/12/2018. That’s about two projects a month. Some of them larger, others smaller. I guess it could be done. But I will be very proud of myself even if make half of it…

Finished 7 out of 26 by the 1st of March. Not bad, but these were the smaller projects…

Update 16th Nov 2018: 16 out of 26 done! By the end of the year, I’d still love to finish:

  • cowls for kids
  • scarf I’ve started for mu hubby (see below)
  • mitts for me
  • and the other sweater i’ve started for myself.

Items that I make along the way that have not been part of the original plan.

a) Small crochet key ring charm – yellow dog to honour this year’s symbol according to the Chinese horoscope.

b) a small baktus scarf

c) a summer beanie for my girl

d) a girly bag, as a gift

e) cowl for me

Additions to the plan as they come up during the year:

  • f) My hubby wants a pair of socks, a hat and a scarf by next winter vacation… – scarf is done
  • g) I need new fingerless mitts – done
  • h) Another summer top for me – finished 05/2018 15/04/2018


Sooo, all in all, I have finished 21 project out of 26 planned, and 8 projects on top of that. I think  that’s not bad at all…. What is more difficult at the moment, is cristallizing a plan for 2019.

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