I have been quiet for quite some time – this summer has been crazy at work, and I have no time whatsoever. But I still plan to continue taking part in YoP challenge. And in this post I hope to lay the foundation for next year’s plan.
1. I want to finish the Riviera waves before the summer is over…. I so I am working quite a lot on it right now. – DONE
2. I promised a long time ago my son a Garry the Snail (from Spongebob) toy – DONE
3. And more recently, a laid-back cat as well… – DONE
4. My mom’s waiting for a winter hat – DONE
5. My darling still hasn’t gotten his scarf and hat either – BOTH DONE!
6. Fingerless mitts for me from this baby: – DONE
7. Finish the white dress for next summer…
I am sure the list will grow as the year goes by.
Here are additions from the 30th of December 2015:
8. My daughter has asked me to make an owl plushie that would look like my teapot cozy – I think I like this project a lot and will start on it soon. Update 16/05 everyone seems to have forgotten about it. Still on the back of my mind, but not a priority.
9. My son would like a stripy hat like his dads, and I think his old hat is getting small, so I may do it. – DONE
10. More table mats. I have now 4 in same yarn and different patterns. Can i take these up to 12? UPD 16/05 – I’ve done two more, but haven’t taken any decent pictures yet.
11. In the new appartment, we need curtains. While for most rooms I will go for the usual fabric ones, for kitchet and hallway windows, I would like something along these lines. May be use fun shapes (owls, other animals etc???): UPD 16/05 Still in the pipeline. Need to buy suitable yarn, but don’t the money right now.
Or this
10. We’ve also talked with my darling about me making Christmas hats for all four of us for next year….
11. A lamp shade
Additions from 11/01/2016 (my hands are aching to start all of these at one):
12. Another Pikachu (promised a gift to my son’s best friend) – she decided she wanted a fox after all – DONE
13. And something for her little brother – DONE
14. Several floor mats. Large carpets don’t work for us, but we all like to be barefoot, and tiles can be quite chilly, especially when you sit for a long time. I’m thinking squiggly-wiggly
15. Another bathroom mat is needed. I want to make one similar to this, but rectangular (either rows or in-the round…) Plenty of clother waiting to be recycled.
16. I have a pillow in need of a cover.
17. In my dream, I saw more animals like the little piggy, I should try to bring them to life, too. One each month? For each animal of Chinese Zodiac? hmmm
18. Coaster from my dream – pig-shaped, too (view from the back, lol)
19. Socks for me from the same yarn as nr 6
I also hope to do a round-up post for the previous year soon…
Update from 16th of May 21016
While I’m still thinking about some ideas from above, I do have some fresh ones, too:
- I need a couple of bookmarks, as we are now reading longer books with children (I would say 3-4 would do….)
- I really fancy a crochet dress, and maybe a top from a very fine thread. But I don’t have the thread, so that’ll have to wait until my finances improve
- A crochet bag… To carry my lunch box and on-the-go WIP’s in
- A bright shawl to go with quite a boring dress in pastel colours….