Past few weeks were a slump, I did not do much knitting – and a lot of sleeping – in the evenings, and even less for on my commute.
But from middle of last week it’s becoming better again. I have started a cowl for my mom. I looked at tens of different pictures, and decided to go for a simple stockinette stitch. I’m running out of yarn though and hope the LYS will have more – I would like to make a really long one, possibly so that she can wrap it three times around her neck – for the harsh winters back home.
And yesterday I finally had the time to gather my courage and give the dress yoke a go – and finished it. I’m not totally convinced I like it, but I think I need to see the whole dress… Good thing about it being so modular is that I can always take the top part off and do something different. Until then, now it’s just rounds of motives and the dc/tr sections in between.