YOP – week of the 18th of January 2016



I have been quite busy this week. To start, I knitted my son a toy fox. The pattern is by Amanda Michelle from Adorably Kawaii. It turned out quite cute and my son has played with it the whole week.


I also made one swatch to see if I like the pattern for my daughter’s dress:

2015-01-18 13-48-48

I am not convinced….

I also took apart this sweater I made for my man a few years ago. It has pulled out of shape, and he didn’t wear it anymore. So I decided to use the yarn.

I balled the yarn as I ripped. Then I skeined it for easy washing

2015-01-12 22-31-35

It is washed now, and drying.

2015-01-18 12-14-33

I will do some swatches next, as I haven’t decided yet what to do with it. A top? or another dress? I have a few ideas and will have to test to see what works the best. I actually think it may enough yarn for a top and a dress…

I also worked on my comfort blanket. This is the 2nd stripe out of three I’m planning to make.

Below is my updated list for YOP challenge

1. Tango tunic – cancelled
2. Red cotton dress for meDONE

3. I promised my man a hat and a scarf for the winter.
4. I hope to make a hat and possibly a scarf for me from the yarn I dyed myself for the first time – now changed to a hat and a cowl for my daughterDONE

5. Fingerless mitts for my daughter. DONE

6. another beach dress for me
7. Chunky cowl for my mom. I got the yarn for it – DONE
8. A top for me….

9. Very not sure, but may be this afghan for a friend who loves social games.

10. my Comfort Blanket – WIP

11. a few dishcloths – one done

12. a new scrubbie from old neylons – one done

13. a cozy for the teapot I got as a presentDONE

14. One or two pillow covers

15. Present for a baby that’s on it’s way (not mine!!)

16. Hat and scarf for my son

17. Dress for my daughter

18. and a headband for her


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    • 2

      I actually find ripping quite satisfying. And it goes fast! It takes much longer to skein, and then re-wind the yarn into balls after washing. I don’t really like that part….

  1. 5

    Your list is looking very good. You have accomplished a lot in the past 29 weeks. I am impressed that you recycled the yarn. That is wonderful and looks like there is tons of it there. You might be able to make the man a hat and scarf and still have plenty for a top.

    • 6

      THis is cotton/linen mix, so not really what I am looking for in terms of hat and scarf. It is going to be either two garments for me, or one for me and one for either of the kids.

  2. 9

    You’ve been busy! The fox is adorable. What is it about the pattern for the tunic you don’t like, is it the look of the pattern? The tunic looks really cute on the pictures, but then, it’s often difficult to tell from those staged photos… Good job on the ripping – I sometimes buy wooly jumpers from charity shops just to rip them and re-use the wool. :)

    • 10

      I like the pattern but I’m not sure it’s a good fit with the yarn – I think it’s needs something a bit finer than what I have. But I’m still thinking, maybe I’ll give it a go.

    • 12

      Thank you! I actually find some weird satisfaction in ripping… Not that I’d rip a sweater just for the sake of ripping, but if I have to, I quite enjoy it.

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