Red Dress DONE!!!

year-of-projectsLast week I thought I was done with the dress – I blocked it, weaved in and cut all the ends, and started taking pictures:

wpid-img_20150104_170042.jpg wpid-img_20150104_170006.jpg

By the time I was finished, I realised that I wanted a dress in which I would feel comfortable at all times, more precisely a tad less sexy. So I stitched the cleavage a little bit up:

wpid-img_20141122_184500_1416747339396.jpg Before


I also added 1 round of motives – I didn’t want a whole new section which would make the dress too long. I also added small motives to fill in the space. So here is the final look:

wpid-img_20150111_124536_1420982415208.jpg wpid-img_20150111_124557_1420982144026_1420983768477.jpg

And here is once again what’s inspired me:

Teri Hatcher

I think I’ve done quite well. I’m already thinking about another dress base on the same principle. However, the motifs would be smaller, and I’d do the neckline differently: some solid base, to which the motifs would be joined.

Linking with:

Lucy Blossom Crafts

Natural Suburbia


Pattern Paradise

2 Crochet Hooks


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    • 4

      Thank you! For the time being I’m making a small toy for my son and continue working on a blanket. I cannot yet pick a new big project…

    • 13

      Thank you! Excatly – the shorter version is suitable only to a small range of occasions. But having spent so much time and effort, I want to just wear it in summer.

  1. 16

    I love what you added. It truly made the dress more complete. Especially at the bottom. What an inspiration! Thanks for linking at Snickerdoodle. Can’t wait to see you next week.

    • 19

      Thank you for visiting and for hosting the link party ))) I am also looking forward to finishing the next one, but giving it time for now.

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