Round up of Year of Projects N4 (the 1st one I did) 2014-2015

This is the sum up post for the fist time I participated in the Year of Projects – let’s see how well I did…


1. I was asked to make a Tango tunic (as a beach dress,  just like mine),  – CANCELLED: they didn’t come back to me, and I haven’t asked ))
2. My personal biggest project of the year is to recreate this dress – and it worked out perfectly, I think!

.Teri Hatcher vs wpid-img_20150111_124536_1420982415208.jpg

3. I promised my man a hat and a scarf for the winter – still not done :(
4. I hope to make a hat and possibly a scarf for me from this yarn I dyed myself for the first time: CHANGED – now that I have done mitts for my baby girl, I have decided to make her the whole set – with a hat and a cowl. DONE

5. Fingerless mitts for my daughter – DONE, see picture above.
6. I have another idea for a beach dress – if I could get done for next season would be cool. I  also need yarn for it: self-striping cotton with long runs of colour. I found some that Katia makes. This has transformed into Riviera Skies top.

7. Chunky cowl for my mom. I got the yarn for it – DONE.

mom's cowl 2
8. Maybe this top for me…. – not yet, but still love the idea

9. Very not sure, but may be this afghan for a friend who loves social games – no, but the thought is still in the air, maybe

10. I totally forgot. I want to finish my Comfort Blanket. Done!

2015-04-30 13-21-16

11. a few dishcloths – 1 done

12. a new scrubbie from old neylons – 1 done

13. a cozy for the teapot I got as a present.

DONE – not like the above picture, but I still love it.


14. One or two pillow covers – done


15. My best friend is having a baby in May. If I finish blanket from nn 10, I might give it to her, as it looks like it is going to be too small for me. But I’ll need a thing or two ti add to it, maybe some toy. – i only finished and sent the blanket from above for her

16. My son now wants a hat and a scarf… – still to be done

17. I’d love to make my daughter a dress – I am working on the cardi for her instead:


18. And a head band – Not yet.

Well, what can I say – 10 finished and one in progress out of 18 – could be worse.

I also finished a couple of small projects that were not in the plan:


2015-04-24 09-26-03


2015-02-28 21-07-23





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  1. 3
    Minding My Own Stitches

    I’m always impressed by the number of your projects for which you create or heavily modify photos or other patterns to create what you have in mind. That’s got to be more effort than just following a pattern like I do, with a fair bit of swatching and ripping out. I think your finished list is very impressive!

    • 4

      Thank you. My problem has always been that I can never ever match the gauge in patterns, so I always had to modify to get a result. Believe me, so many painful projects behind… So I guess I got into a habit, and gradually started adding more and more changes.

    • 8

      Thanks a lot. I cannot wait for my workload to decrease a bit, so that I have more time for knitting, and for being at least a bit on line to share, and see what others are up to!

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