First Dyeing Experience!

Thanks to two amazing Ravellers, I got a sock blank – natural wool knitted up into a rectangle, and some Kool Aid packets!

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I could not wait any longer, and last night I did it! I pre-soaked my wool in water with a bit of vinegar. While it was taking a bath, I prepared the Kool Aid solutions. Looking back, I should have saved the blue one for another occasion, as I barely touched it .

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I had to be a bit creative about actually putting the dye onto wool, as I had no suitable tools. But I did have some straws.

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For next time, I think I’d put a bit less water into cool aid.

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After I was happy with my stripes, I steamed the wool for about half an hour.
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Then let it cool down to room temperature, gave it a wash with a dab of shampoo. The was a bit of colour in the water, but just a tiny tiny bit . And here it is! Very happy, can’t wait to knit it up, but not sure yet what it’s going to be yet.










P.S. I got a little bit surprised when I skeined it – read about it here.

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