When I was in school, I used to bake quite a lot, but now I rarely do – crazy life of a working mom doesn’t leave much energy or time. Also, while I knit to calm down, I notice that baking requires me already to be already in good mood – or I mess up everything. So finally, after a week’s vacation I feel up to it. This apple charlotte is delicious. I usually don’t share my cooking and recipes here, but I though I just might as well – as much for my records as for anything else..
I used about 4 and a half apples, 2 eggs, 100g of sugar, 80g of flour, a dash of cinnamon and a dash of baking powder.
Pre-heat the oven.
Beat the eggs and the sugar together, add the flour, cinnamon and baking powder, mix well. Add peeled and sliced apples. Bake for about 40 mins in a round greased form on medium heat.
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