Crochet top finished and other updates

I have been doing quite a bit of knitting and crochet, and much less so writing about it. I have however linked my Instagram to the blog, so that anyone interested can see brief updates of what I am up to.

First and foremost, I have decided to leave my Nefertiti as it is, and finished it off. I wear it quite a lot these days, as it is still not too hot, and several layers of tops is actually a good thing. The pattern is Capri Cover by Tammy Hildebrand. I used Silk Purse by Alchemy yarns and a 5mm hook. I also change the pattern a bit, adding more pineapples to the yoke, to change the shaping a bit (I was inspired by this photo I’ve seen on Pinterest:)

My son has asked for a polo shirt that would look like one that Sasuke from Naruto wears, and I am trying really hard to finish it off, with a few rounds on sleeves left (and then I’ll have to do the applique left to do).

And I have my and my daughter’s dresses to finish – hopefully both this week, and then I’ll be looking for new adventures, as the other two WIP’s I have at home are not really inspiring at the moment.



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  1. 1

    I am crocheting the Capri cover but I am stuck on rows 11 and 12 of the body. The increase V is the problem. On row 12 it states to V st in first chain 3space of inc V skip next dc then V st in next dc then V st in 2nd chain 3space
    The increase V st is 2dc,ch2,3dc ch2 2dc in same space. The chain 3 is before and after Can you help me

    Thanks Cheryl (knitcher)

    • 2
      Leyla Alieva

      Hi Cheryl, thank you for your comment. It’s been quite a long time since I made this top, but I had a quick look at the pattern, and I think there is a mistake in row 12 for body. The part that gives you problem, should say I think “in ch2 sp”, not ch3. So it’s quite like round 9 of the yoke part. I hope this helps! Leyla

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