My goal is to recreate this dress. I am using 100% cotton – Cotton Soft Speciale Baby by Lane Mondial (180m/50g). It’s not as shimmery as the yarn in the picture, so the overall effect will be slightly different. I am using US crochet terminology throughout. I am blogging in quite a detail to document for me and for anyone else who is interested the whole process. Click on tag “Red Dress” to see all related posts.
Here is my first swatch. I found a pattern for an octagon motive in one of my stitch dictionaries that looks similar. I used 4mm hook and changed the last round so that all stitches are dc. That’s how it looked:
My first impression was that I didn’t like the fabric – too loose, so I decided to make another one with 3 mm hook. As I was making it, I took another look at the picture of the dress, and decided to try the last round exactly as it was in the pattern, forming spiky petals.
I also could feel that this fabric, on the other hand, is too stiff. Time to try 3.25mm hook. Here are three swatches (I changed the last round on the largest swatch, too):
I now have four motives joined together in a line:
As I was now writing this post and put next to each other the picture of my swatches and the original dress, I can see clearly that motives are quite different, and what’s more, I like original motives better. So I’m off to swatch again…
For this past week I have only been working on this dress. And a little bit on my Comfort Blanket:
I forgot to put it on the list originally, but now it’s added.
Click on tag “YoP” to see all related posts.