Kandinsky coat – part 4 – sleeves

Next I went on to one of the sleeves. There we 87 stitches on hold. I have started from the middle of that,knitting in pattern, picked up one stitch before the 19 extra stitches underarms, picked up 9 stitches in pattern (for me, it was row 13 of the pattern repeat of 24 rows), 1 st in red (to create the column for decreases on each side of it, aligned with the column of red stitched on the  side of the main body), picked up 9 stitches in pattern (so that the pattern aligns at the top of the sleeve, so I had to count the stitches back if that makes any sense), one stitch for the joint, and then finished off the round using the rest of the stitches on hold.

I am know knitting the stranded pattern in round (yay!). I decreased 2 stitches next round (14), then round 24 of this half repeat.  Further decreases

1st repeat:  row 12; 2nd repeat – none; 3rd, 4th- rounds 12, 24; 5th : 8, 16, 20, 24; 6th: 4,8. After round 8, switch to 2 mm needles.

7th  and 14th round of rib : decrease 4 sts.,

After 22 rounds, do 2 rounds of tubular stitch, bind off.

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