Restoring one of my first crochet improvisations

When I wrote about finishing the Broody Hen teapot cozy, I mentioned that it was based on one of my first crochet “designs” which I made at the age of 14 or so. It turned out that the original has survived after all! The bottom part of it burned, but my mom kept it. She cut off the damaged part that included very cute chicken feet, and brought it to me to repair.

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We have decided that this time I’ll add a frilled edging, and I had just the perfect yarn for it.

I did a row of sc’s as a foundation, then a round of hdc’s with increases, a round of dc’s with more increases and finished off with shell stitch border.

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I have to say that I like the original much better – the colours, the finer stitches and smaller wings and tale. The face is cuter, too. There was also substantial shaping involved (sort rows as well as decreases and increases I think) to shape the body. Maybe adding the crest to the head could help a bit. Compare:

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