Leafy Baby Blanket available as a Kit & Some progress on my new dress



My free pattern Leafy Baby Blanket is by far my most successful design. Craftsy has approached me sometime ago asking if we could make a kit out of it – and now it is finally available. Since the yarn they offer is different from mine, we have changed the pattern a bit, and it was tested to make sure everything works out. The result is lovely! You can see it on Craftsy using this link. The pattern is still for free – you only pay for the materials.




These past few days have been crazy busy, but I managed to make some progress on the dress: I’ve finished the round below the sleeves, closing the armpit area, and from now on, it’ll be just straight rounds without any shaping.

2015-03-18 09-09-13



Linking with:

Frontier Dreams

Natural Suburbia

Pattern Paradise

Annemarie’s blog

Oombawka Design



Snickerdoodle Sunday


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    • 2

      If you ever get to learning to knit, this blanket is a great introduction to lace – you will practice 4 main decrease types, and yarn overs )))
      I can’t wait to finish the dress and take it out for a walk… It’s getting quite warm already over here.

  1. 13
    Crochet Hooks

    lovely pattern! the ‘leaves’ give this baby afghan a look of fresh, free movement and yet snuggly soft! The wip dress looks lovely already! Love the yarn, can’t wait to see it complete!

    • 16

      Hi Marylin,

      I am sorry to hear you are having troubles. Could you please let me know if you are using Craftsy version of the pattern or the original one? what seems to be the trouble? Have you adjusted number of stitches? Do you have the right number of stitches at the beginning of row 5? Without knowing more it’s hard to advise, but you could try placing stitch markers between each pattern repeat, and checking if you have the same number of stitches after completing each repeat.

  2. 17
    antoinette romanelli

    I am knitting your leafy baby blanket, but I am a bit confused. I’v just done the border and going to start the main body. is the first row rs or ws?
    plus it says to do 4 sts in the seed then the 6 repeats then the 4 seed st. I’m making mine 10 repeats but i know how to do that.
    what confuses me is the next sentence knit 5 of the repeats, then the last repet do the rows from 1-12 once ok
    so where is the pattern for the first row with the 6 repeats?
    if you can write it out for me i would very much appreciate it.for the life of me i can’t seem to figure it out, lol.
    you can e-mail me

    antoinette romanelli

  3. 18

    I love this leafy pattern – I’m currently using it to make a couple of scarves as presents. I’m doing them 5-6 repeats wide (for different widths) and am just going on an on until they are the right lengths :)
    I’m using gorgeous soft 4-ply baby merino yarn for the scarves so they are nice and delicate, I love them!!
    Thank you so much for sharing your lovely pattern for free!

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