YOP Week of the 27th of September


I haven’t done too much this week, as I wasn’t feeling too good. But I’d like to get back to posting news habit after my very busy summer, so here’s my update.

I have worked a bit on the scarf – I’ve used about 1/3 to 1/2 of the 2nd skein so far. After I finish it up , I’ll decide if I plan for 3 or 4 skeins in total (out of 9 I have bought – but I plan to make a hat as well, and my son has requested mitts… We’ll see).


I also worked quite a few rounds on my mom’s hat, only to realise, I increase too quickly after I took pictures last time. So I had to rip back, and haven’t touched it since. I find it happens to me often when I work on things in round in crochet without a pattern – it takes about 5-10 rounds in my experience  to really show that you’ve increased or decreased too much or too little at a certain point? Or is it just me not trusting my gut feeling enough? I usually suspect it’s not right, but am never sure until I work a few rounds more.


Today is probably a good day to recap on my list for 2015:

1. I want to finish the Riviera waves before the summer is over…. I so I am working quite a lot on it right now. – DONE (not really before the end of the summer though…)

2. I promised a long time ago my son a Garry the Snail (from Spongebob) toy – DONE

3. And more recently, a laid-back cat as well… – hmm, this seems to have transformed into two Raving Rabbids – one for him, and one for my daughter. Will see…

4. My mom’s waiting for a winter hat – WIP

5. My darling still hasn’t gotten his scarf and hat either – working on the scarf…

6. Fingerless mitts for me: – DONE

7. Finish  the white dress for next summer…

A couple of things have come up recently:

8. A set of table mats with coasters (and maybe a table runner…)

9. I really crave for a top/cardigan, but cannot decide what it should be…

10. Fingerless mitts for my son

11. and maybe a pair of adult ones, as a present – if I find the right yarn I suppose…


Linking with:

Frontier Dreams

Shadow’s Knit Knacks

I Knead to Knit


Oombawka Design


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    • 2

      Thank you. Now I have the challenge of finding the right pattern for hat – he wants a slouchy one, and I’d love something more that just stockinette

  1. 13
    Minding My Own Stitches

    Wow, you’re doing really well with your list! That’s dedication!

    I’m always carrying on too long with things when I have a gut feeling they are too big or too small or too something else. I think we all do it! I find the hardest decision is to stop and rip back. Once I’ve done that I’m motivated to move forward again!

    • 14

      I agree. I also think I might just hope that it will turn out OK eventually and carry on longer than necessary. After posting about it last night, I got really motivated, and it’s almost done now, and shaping looks OK this time.

  2. 15

    Oh what gorgeous stripes in your scarf – I love the colours. And good luck with the rest of the list, you’ve got some wonderful plans there :)

    • 22

      Thank you! At times I also have many WIP’s on the go ))) But I try to limit myself to 2-3-4, so I that I don’t spend too much time choosing which project to work on…

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